Bond Measure AA

Bond Modernization Projects & Updates

Financial & Performance Audits 

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2023

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2022

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2021

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2020

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2019

Fallbrook UHSD Measure AA Report 2018

August 2, 2018Fallbrook High School Library Renovations Bid 1819-02 – Summer project to be completed by August 12
July 12, 2018Fallbrook High School Library Renovations Bid 1819-02 – Summer project to be completed by August 12
September 11, 2017Presentation to Board of Trustees:  GO Bonds, 2016 Election, 2017 Series AA
April 5, 2017First meeting of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee for Bond Measure AA
March 13, 2017Board Approval of Members of the Citizens' Oversight Committee
 February 13, 2017Board Approval of Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC) Application
February 13, 2017Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Resolution No. 08-1617 with Bylaws
January 23, 2017Board Informational Item regarding Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC) Application
January 23, 2017Board Approval of Resolution 07-1617 Certifying Election Results
November 8, 2016The Bond for $45 million was passed in the November election.
August 8, 2016Approval of Resolution No. 02-1617 for the Bond Resolution, Ballot Question and Tax Rate Statement


District staff have been working on various elements of long-range facilities planning, which include condition assessment of current facilities infrastructure, classroom modernization needs, facility needs for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and CTE (career and technical education) and new construction.

In 1994, District voters approved a 25-year bond, which pays down annually and will be completely paid off in 2019. It is imperative to point out that this ballot measure is not asking voters for a tax increase, but instead it is asking voters to continue the current tax rate that is set to expire in 2019. The maximum tax rate for bond payments currently collected from property owners is $26.50 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. For example, a home in Fallbrook with an assessed valuation of $400,000 has a bond tax of about $106.00 each year, or about $8.83 each month. If this bond measure is passed by voters the tax rate will remain the same and will extend for 25 years.

On March 16, 2016, the Board of Trustees held a study session to receive and discuss information related to the Fallbrook High School campus facilities. In addition, the Board received information about facilities capital planning and financing.

On April 25, 2016 Charlene Yarnall with PJHM, Architects, presented detailed project and cost information related to the district’s long-range facilities planning.

On May 23, 2016, Dr. Tim McLarney with True North Research presented the results of a community survey to provide Board Trustees with essential information regarding the feasibility and likelihood for success of a school facilities bond election in Fallbrook.

Additional study sessions and meetings were held on June 6th, 13th, 20th, July 11, and July 25, 2016 to discuss the various aspects of financing the capital needs of the District via a bond election. Those discussions included the potential amount for a bond, prioritization of projects that would be funded by a bond and the legal requirements necessary for the Board to place a bond measure on the November 8, 2016 ballot for Fallbrook voters to decide.

The bond sizing amount is $45.0 million, with about $41.5 million available for the project list.

The Bond was passed in the November 8, 2016 election.

For drawings, click here.

For PowerPoint of Projects / Detailed Project Information / Project Progress, click here.

Prop 39 / CA Clean Energy Jobs Act - No funds spent in 2018-19

The Fallbrook Union High School District Board of Trustees determined that the District’s facilities required repairs and upgrades, including updates to facilities to meet current health, safety, fire, and earthquake standards. Specifically, the Board of Trustees desires to include:

  • Deferred maintenance items (roofing, painting, hardscapes including asphalt, parking and concrete repairs
  • Utility improvements (replace sewer and water lines, upgrade electrical service)
  • Classroom upgrades (complete interior modernization, demolish to studs, new / additional electrical, new walls, flooring, ceilings, technology, classroom furniture, plumbing fixtures)
  • New STEM / CTE facilities
  • Security and safety systems
  • Improved student facilities, including for athletics
  • Site improvements (landscape, irrigation, student courtyard, concrete bleachers, shade structures)
  • Replace portable classrooms with permanent classrooms

School upgrades and repairs to keep educational facilities safe, clean and in good repair:

  • Fix and / or replace deteriorating roofs
  • Remove aging and unsafe portable buildings
  • Replace old, outdated, and inefficient sewer, water, electrical, plumbing, heating and ventilation systems
  • Improve school fire and earthquake safety
  • Repair and replace aging student restrooms and plumbing systems
  • Ensure safe access and security at all schools for all students, staff and community members
  • Provide classroom intrusion alarms, safety locks on classroom doors, and exterior lighting for student safety
  • Upgrade emergency communications and technology backup systems, security systems and fencing

II. Projects to ensure students have access to same quality of classrooms, education and services as neighboring communities

  • Renovate, repair, construction and acquire classrooms and other school facilities and reconstruct aging classrooms
  • Upgrade or construct additional facilities for health services, student services and physical education / athletics.

III. Educational technology and facility upgrades for 21st Century learning

  • Provide up-to-date classroom technology infrastructure
  • Construct flexible classrooms and labs for science, technology, engineering and math programs
  • Construct flexible classrooms for labs for Career Technical Education (CTE)