Special Education

Welcome to Special Education!

The Fallbrook Union High School District believes that all students are capable of achieving high expectations when there is a strong partnership among parents, teachers, administrators, and other members of the Fallbrook community.  It is our goal to teach students in order that they will achieve their full potentials as independent and successful adults.

Our dedicated special education staff provides services for students with disabilities ranging from mild learning disorders to severe physical and mental handicaps. Our special educators bring a wealth of knowledge about child development and how children learn, and the skills to monitor student progress. We are committed to the identification and service of special education students in the least restrictive environment possible.  

As a member of the North Coast Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE), we offer a full continuum of special education services that appropriately meet student needs.

SEC. 94. Section 56205.5 is added to the Education Code, to read: 56205.5. (a)  The superintendent or other chief administrator of a local educational agency shall post on the Internet Web site of the local educational agency any local plan, annual budget plan, annual service plan, and annual assurances support plan upon approval of the special education local plan area, and any updates or revisions to the plans upon approval of the special education local plan area. (b)  A county superintendent of schools shall do both of the following: (1)  Post on the Internet Web site of the county office any local plan, annual budget plan, annual service plan, and annual assurances support plan upon approval of the county office, and any updates or revisions to the plans upon approval of the county office. (2)  Post on the Internet Web site of the county office all local plans submitted by special education local plan areas in the county, or links to those plans. (c)  A complete copy of the local plan, annual budget plan, annual service plan, annual assurances support plan, and policies and procedures shall be held on file in the special education local plan area office and at each participating local educational agency, and shall be accessible to any interested party

(Weblinks updated 05/16/23)

This information provides parents, legal guardians, persons authorized to make educational decisions, and surrogate parents of children with disabilities an overview of educational rights and/or procedural safeguards.

AB 1466 - Restraint and Seclusion Data

Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1466 on October 8, 2023.  This law seeks to increase transparency by allowing members of the public easy access to information relevant to the control of student behavior in school environments and requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to post on their websites the same data related to restraint and seclusion that they are currently required to share annually, with the California Department of Education (CDE).

What Does AB 1446 Add to Existing Law? 

Existing law limits the use of restraint and seclusion by school personnel.  It also requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to annually collect data and report to the CDE specific information about the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion in schools. California Education Code section 49006 requires that no later than three months after the end of a school year, LEAs must submit a report to CDE.

This information must be separated by race or ethnicity and gender, with separate counts for students with Section 504 plans and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and those without such plans.

Special Education Staff

Eric Beam, Ed.D.

Special Education Coordinator

(760) 723-6300 x3114

(760) 723-8263


Jamie Krok

Administrative Assistant


(760) 723-6332 x6296

Maria Fernandez

SPED Interpreter-Translator

(760) 723-6332 x6294

(760) 723-8263
