Curriculum & Instruction

Fallbrook Union High School District provides all students with access to high quality mathematics courses and is inclusive of all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic background.

Fallbrook Union High School District courses are aligned to the Common Core California State Standards and incorporate the math practices throughout their instruction.  It is important that all students have access to high quality math courses that address the goals of these standards.

At Fallbrook Union High School District it is understood that placement in 9th and 10th grade math courses is crucial to a student’s future educational success.

At Fallbrook Union High School District we acknowledge that misplacement in the sequence of math courses can impact a students performance, confidence, and high school experience in addition to the potential impact to the college and career opportunities available to the student.

The following are placement practices and policies that incorporate our vision to provide all students with access to high quality mathematics courses and incorporate the California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015.

Math Placement Policy

A short term independent study contract may be initiated by contacting the student's counselor.